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Cover of Subject Sixty-Seven


Book Three of the Provenance Trilogy

An ancient evil has resurfaced. An architect of chaos. The most powerful being ever to walk the Earth. A cataclysmic world war is on the horizon. A secret cabal has infiltrated the U.S. Government.

And Kinetic Star is gone.

Subject Sixty-Seven is the final chapter in the Provenance Trilogy, a tale of power and responsibility. A tale of love and loss. A tale of family.

With the disappearance of Samantha McAllister, who will step up to save civilization?

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Cover of E.I.


Book Two of the Provenance Trilogy

"Who are you going to be?"

Samantha made her choice, but good intentions are not enough.

Tested on the anvil of conspiracy, torture, and betrayal, she was forged into Kinetic Star, a champion for the people. But her trials have just begun.

E.I. is the second installment in the story of Samantha McAllister, an ordinary young woman with an extraordinary responsibility. She stepped into the light as the world's first superhero, but a powerful and dangerous threat lurks in the shadows.

What use are superpowers against your own past?

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Cover of E.I.


Book One of the Provenance Trilogy

Samantha McAllister thought her biggest problem was paying the rent on time. When she discovered that she can move objects with a thought and soar through the skies, she quickly learned that her problems were just beginning.

No one can hide in the modern age of technology. The government doesn't see her as a threat. They see her as a weapon.

Kinetic Star is the tale of a young woman with incredible gifts who finds herself plunged into a world of wonder, betrayal, and conspiracy. With government agents hot on her trail, can Samantha learn to control her powers before it's too late?

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Cover of What You Leave Behind: A Short Story Prequel to Kinetic Star


A Short Story Prequel to Kinetic Star

In February of 2009, President Obama sent seventeen thousand troops to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and al-Queda. The young men and women who had already finished their first tour of duty were given the option to return home.

In July of that same year, a major offensive was launched in southern Afghanistan to fight Taliban insurgency.

Navy Lieutenant David Daniels was part of that offensive.

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